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Concerts for children, teenagers and families

2023/24 | 2024/25

At the Musikverein, children, young people, and families have been enjoying a diverse program for over 30 years. Our carefully curated concerts are uniquely crafted in collaboration with selected artists, tailored specifically for our venue and young audience. Each concert series comes with an age recommendation, ensuring it is enjoyable and appropriate for each age group. Participation through dancing, singing and making music is a core element of every concert, as we believe musical development thrives through active engagement.

Download: Brochure for children, young people and families (PDF)

Illustration by Édith Carron

© Julia Wesely


Dodo und Tatz

When Dodo and Tatz invite you over, there’s a treat for your ears! During the concert, everyone, young and old, can move around the room to listen to the music, sing along with guidance, or simply sit, listen, and be amazed. In our musical playground, anything goes!

A production of the Musikverein Wien.
Concerts for babies and toddlers up to the age of 3.



Alberto and the musical mouse Topolina, experience miniature musical adventures in the colourful everyday life of mice. The mouse girl with the pink ribbon on her head travelled from Italy to Vienna many years ago in a box of lettuce. She particularly enjoys making music, dancing and singing – mainly when she is actively supported by the musicians and you, dear children. A presto!

A production of the Musikverein Wien.
Concerts for audiences aged 3 and over.


Sebastian und das Tontelefon

With catchy songs and roguish enthusiasm, sound researcher Sebastian and inventor Dr. Willy Witzwurm set off on new adventures in the land of music. Once again, Sebastian’s legendary tuning fork, the Tontelefon, proves invaluable to the friends. Nominated for the STELLA Performing Arts Prize for Young Audiences 2023!

A production of the Musikverein Wien.
Concerts for audiences aged 3 and over.


Agathes Wunderkoffer

A gentle breeze tickles Agathe’s ear. How soft the wind sounds! Agathe wants to touch, catch, and hold him tight, but the wind won’t let her. He nimbly sits down in the trees, hides in instruments, books and on a colourful meadow of flowers. Or is there even a mysterious breeze hiding in Agathe’s suitcase of wonders?

Production Musikverein Wien.
Concerts for audiences aged 4 and over.

© Julia Wesely

© Igor Ripak


Albertos Abenteuer

Alberto and his musical friends from the Bruckner Orchestra Linz are diving into three new adventures. They’ll bring unique stories to life on a big screen with vibrant illustrations. Once again, they need everyone’s help to sing, dance, and play along on stage. Only with your participation can these adventures truly come to life! Because this is the only way to make the adventures a reality!

Production Musikverein Wien.
Concerts for children aged 5 and over.

Illustration by Édith Carron


As a beloved fixture of our children’s concerts, Allegretto has graced the stage of the Brahms-Saal for over 30 years, bringing captivating musical tales for the whole family. This season’s program features four enchanting productions: Fuchs und Bär haben einen Plan, a heartwarming tale of true friendship told by Die Strottern and puppeteer Christoph Bochdansky. In Die Konferenz der Tiere, an elephant, lion, and giraffe endeavor to save the world in a brilliant narrative concert based on Erich Kästner’s classic children’s book. Cinderella presents Grimm’s fairy tale anew with Prokofiev’s piano music, blending drama, ballet dance, and video projections. Lastly, Träumerei takes us into magical dreamscapes inspired by Schumann’s famous piano work Kinderszenen, where anything is possible…

Production Musikverein Wien.
Concerts for audiences aged 6 and over.

Illustration by Édtih Carron

Flashlight Tours

The long-serving hall manager Robert “Effi” Effenberger, descendant of the legendary Rudolf Effenberger, guides you through the quiet and deserted Musikverein building. Quiet? Deserted? Goodness gracious! Someone is wandering through the venerable house, disrupting Effi’s meticulously planned presentations. Shiver me sonatas! This is unheard of, outrageous! Who dares? Effi demands answers – so, grab your flashlights and let’s go! Holy madrigal, who could it be? During the staged flashlight tour through the Musikverein, unique objects from our in-house music collection and historical figures, along with their stories, take center stage in an interactive exploration.

Dates 2024/25

Sales for these events start on 4.11.2024 for members.

The general advance sale begins on 11.11.2024.

  • Sat 4.1.2025, 13.00/15.00/17.00 h
Archive for children, young people and families. A production of the Musikverein Vienna. For everyone aged 6 and over.

Illustration by Édith Carron


Three concerts for a youthful and adult, but above all curious audience, open up unique musical worlds. The motto is: anything but ordinary! Kicking off the concert series are the exceptional musicians Igudesman & Joo, who have captivated a global audience with their comedy concerts, bringing classical music to millions. Celebrating their 20th stage anniversary in a special way, they present their final joint program, CODA – The Final Nightmare Music, at the Golden Hall. Later in the season, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra enchants us with a grand moderated orchestral concert, delving into the greatest love stories of all time from famous stage works and films: Love is in the Air. Lastly, cellist Eckart Runge, pianist Jacques Ammon, and the pantomime duo Bodecker & Neander take us on a journey to France in a concert full of astonishing optical illusions, exploring the renowned Esprit Français. Ooh la la! Finally, cellist Eckart Runge, pianist Jacques Ammon and the pantomime duo
Bodecker & Neander travel to France in a concert full of astonishing optical illusions in search of the much-vaunted “Esprit Français”.

Concerts for audiences aged ten and over.

Our offer for families in the 2024/25 season.
