Logo lettering Musikverein isolated dark blue

Make the switch!

The magazine Musikfreunde is also available in electronic form! We will be happy to send you a link for each issue by e-mail, which you can use to read it online and download it as a PDF. To protect the climate, sign up for regular electronic delivery and do without the print edition.

Cover of the magazine "Musikfreunde", November 2023 issue
Cover of Musikfreunde magazine, May/June 2024 issue

General Information

The “Musikfreunde” magazine is for music lovers and all those who want to become one. The magazine is sent to interested parties once a month during the season. Please note that the “Musikfreunde” magazine is produced exclusively in German.

Registration form

Consent to sending the magazine to members

Consent to sending the magazine to interested parties

Consent to data processing

You can expect

  • Texts on artists, conductors and performers
  • Announcements and background information on upcoming concerts
  • Interviews
  • Calendar of the respective monthly issue
  • Preview of the following month’s concerts

Your advantages

  • You will be able to enjoy high-quality articles and the complete event overview for the next two months a week earlier than usual.
  • They make an active contribution to climate protection.
  • You can win 5 x 2 tickets for attractive concerts.