Große Solist:innen

This subscription consists of eight concerts in the Great Hall: Ólafsson ● Wang | Grigorian ● Geniušas | Jansen ● Kozhukhin | Buchbinder ● Danailova ● Landerer ● Varga ● Bladerer | Kissin | Levit | Garanča ● Martineau


This subscription consists of one concert in the Golden Hall and four concerts in the Brahms Hall: Sternath | Hewitt | Liu | Gerstein | Levit


This subscription consists of two concerts in the Golden Hall and four concerts in the Brahms Hall: Petibon ● Manoff | Grigorian ● Geniušas | Boesch ● Martineau | Alder ● Peter ● Middleton | Karg ● Martineau | Garanča ● Martineau
